Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Bridesmaid Revisited

I thought that today I'd share with you the images from the photoshoot I did last Thursday.

The shoot took place at the Hub, in Edinburgh (right next to Edinburgh Castle). One thing about the Hub is that its spire is actually the highest point in all of Edinburgh. 

My dressmaker for this was Wendy from Flossy and Dossy. We'd been talking about doing a bridesmaid wear shoot since October last year, following my previous shoot with her dresses at Viewpark Gardens.
We got together with Sonia from Gioia Mia who supplied the jewellery and fantastic head pieces; one of my favourite make up artists, Kathryn Hughes, and two models Sophie and Esther who looked absolutely gorgeous and radiated the demure glamour we needed. Both Wendy and Sonia provided bespoke, individual pieces for this shoot, which I think look gorgeous. Wendy even supplied the shoes, which she hand-painted to work with the dresses. You can see more about how she did that here:

To be honest, this was a dream shoot to work on. Everyone gave complete commitment and worked hard; the venue, The Hub, were fantastic at giving us the space to shoot; and the whole day couldn't have run more smoothly. 

Dresses: Flossy and Dossy
Jewellery and accessories: Gioia Mia
Make up and hair: Kathryn Hughes
Models: Sophie Robertson and Esther Kungu
Photography: Kristin Mitchell
Location: The Hub, Edinburgh

Friday, 8 April 2011

Coming soon....

Just finished a lovely photoshoot today. The shoot was in conjunction with Gioia Mia Designs jewellery, Flossy and Dossy, Kathryn Hughes make up artist, and the Hub in Edinburgh.

We had a great day, and I'm really looking forward to processing them. In the mean time, a quick preview photo for your delectation!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Keep on moving

I don't think I've ever been good at staying still for long. I'm always wanting to tweak things just a little. Even if its my sitting position.

April is my annual website anniversary month. Even before I hit my anniversary though I'm always looking at ways I can improve my site.

My website is my shopfront in the virtual world. I don't like it to stay still for long. Much like wandering past shop windows, with mannequins with ever-changing outfits, I like to keep adjusting my display.

The hard bit though is sometimes knowing what other people like about it. Whether what I like is hitting the same chords with everyone else.

I like to try and keep the layout as fresh as possible, to update, constantly improve. I take the view that my website is a continuous working document; I don't like to leave it sitting still for long, or stagnating.

At the moment, I'm looking for views about my website to help me improve it. I'm looking for opinions on what I've currently got. I have thoughts of my own, but its always good to hear the thoughts of other people, to give me ideas of how to improve my website and make it more appealing to potential customers. Given anyone could decide to walk down the aisle, or hire someone to take some lifestyle portraits, it's good to get as broad a range of tastes and thoughts as possible. As much as I want my website to be about my personality and photography, it's also about making it aesthetically pleasing to others.

So, if you have time to spare, I'd be grateful if you could take some time to fill out this survey.
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